The summer is officially coming to a close, and while the transition from summer to fall seems to be such a momentous event with little ones and the beginning of a new school year, we can move forward knowing that we have truly enjoyed this season to the fullest. We have taken advantage of the more relaxed summer schedule, spent as much time as possible outdoors, and shared many fun times with family and friends.

We went blueberry picking two times this summer. There is a blueberry patch just a few minutes down the road from us, making it an easy morning activity. We met up with friends, making the picking all the more fun. The kids had a blast and I still have about two pies worth of blueberries in my freezer.
We were also able to join Brian's parents for a day of fun at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. Definitely a super fun day!

On the train.
Riding the boat.

Bryce lost his first tooth on his favorite ride, Escape from Pompeii. He let Brian yank it out! I guess he really is brave!

Enjoying a trip to the park with Gramma.

Grant finished up the golf season with a couple of tournaments.

Bryce saved up for several months to purchase this magnetic mosaic set. Way to go Bryce!

Visiting the animals at Maymont Park.

Our friends the Myers joined us at Maymont. Lots of kids and lots of fun!

Dinner out with friends--kid free!

All the kids love the pool. The boys had some really fun water gun fights this year.

Claire was mesmerized by the animals at the zoo. And she is brave enough to try to climb into the rhinocerous' cage and try to stick her finger in the mouth of a giraffe. The boys love the bat exhibit. I, however, do not.

Grammy met us for a second day of Busch Gardens.

Davis and Grammy on the train.
Yes, it was a fun summer! I'm taking a deep breathe as I gear up for fall, but joyfully anticipating all that God has in store for us we follow His leading.